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The API in the developer environment will either be served under /api/galaxy/ or /api/automation-hub/. Visiting this endpoint shows that there are two versions available: v3/ and pulp/api/v3/. Understanding the purpose of each of these APIs is crucial when contributing new features to the backend.


This is the original galaxy_ng API. It is primarily used for content consumption and to fill in some client specific gaps that the pulp APIs can't support. API endpoints should be added here that:

  • Provide interfaces for content consumption. Some clients, such as ansible-galaxy, require a specific API layout to function. Other clients, such as the UI, require more data rich APIs that pull together data from several pulp models.
    • Examples:
      • Execution environment search - provides a level of abstraction on top of the vanilla EE APIs from pulp-container that make them much easier for the UI to consume.
      • Collection search
      • Collection downloads - provides the APIs needed to drive the ansible-galaxy CLI.
  • Provide client operations.
    • Examples:
      • Token generation. Pulpcore doesn't support API tokens, but they are needed by ansible-galaxy.
      • UI Authentication. The APIs for authenticating pulp don't support JSON.
      • Configuration. The UI needs to know more information about the backend's configuration than the pulp APIs can provide.
  • Provide content specific operations.
    • Collection Deprecation
    • EE/Collection Deletion - Content deletion is a high level operation that requires many individual steps on the pulp API. These endpoints provide a nice abstraction on top of a lot of lower level pulp operations.


These APIs are provided by pulpcore and can be extended by other plugins (including galaxy_ng). These should be used for managing pulp primitives. This includes:

  • General content operations
  • Moving, copying and syncing content between repositories.
  • Managing any pulp primitives. This includes:
  • Repos
  • Remotes
  • Distributions
  • Groups
  • Users
  • RBAC Roles
  • Tasks
  • Pretty much anything else defined in the pulpcore models.

Open API Spec

Pulp uses drf-spectacular to automatically generate an open api spec from the API. This spec can be found at /api/automation-hub/pulp/api/v3/docs/ and describes how the API works. This open api spec is also used to generate the pulp bindings to programmatically interact with the pulp APIs.